

    Established in 2019 as a tribute to the ideals of late Shri Hariramji Soni and late Shri Krishnaji Soni, the Hari-krishna Foundation stands for the values of courage, trust and commitment. What began in a few rural communities around balotra (Rajasthan) and Deodar (Gujarat). has now expanded to 8 states in India,

       Adopting an approach that embodies innovation, people participation and collaboration with key stakeholders, the Hari-Krishna Foundation is achieving inclusive growth and bringing about sustainable development, thereby contributing towards nation building.

       As we respond to the emerging needs at grassroots level, our teams are focused on aligning all activities with the global Sustainable Development Goals, striving to secure a hopeful future for millions.

Our works image Image

Our Vision

    “To accomplish a passionate commitment to social obligations towards communities, fostering sustainable and integrated development, thus improving quality of life.”

Our works image Image

Our Mission

    “To play the role of a facilitator for the benefit of the people without distinction of caste or community, sector, religion, class or creed, in the fields of education, community health, and promotion of social and economic welfare and upliftment of the people in general.”


Promoter Message

    “We must desire to see people rising in life, rather than looking for ways to contribute to their downfall.”

    whether it's a company, organization or relation, trust & understanding is the root of all.

    Our organization HARI-KRISHNA FOUNDATION have only one motto i:e to reach more and more to those people who need physical, mental, emotional, educational... support.

    Trying to reach maximum for the handicapped people and animals, students, widow ladies, fatherless daughters and more, all our projects are designed in such a way that people can easily reach to our foundation and can share their problem to us.

    With each passing day Hari-Krishna Foundation will not only work for people but will develop the foundation parameters more stronger to serve the mankind.

Atmaram K. Soni


Chairman Message

    It is said that when the foundation is strong the system of belief is much stronger. Hari-Krishna foundation is build for the welfare of children and adults including many projects.

    Our main motto is to provide services socially, economically, physically and mentally to handicapped people not only at domestic level but we really wish to expand this holy work globally. The service which we are providing has the intention to meet the needs of most deprived and vulnerable kids and adults. Hari-Krishna foundation is trying to comfort the needy same as family does, because family is recognised as humanity's basic institution, no other established pattern has been found such effective in moulding the personality of kids and adults. Our foundation wants to work as a cradle for children and a father figure for females in all forms mentally, physically and psychologically.

     It is said that when the foundation is strong the system of belief is much stronger. Hari-Krishna foundation is build for the welfare of children and adults including many projects.

     Our team will be more happy to serve maximum number of people who need our help, a firm promise from Kandarp Soni that every breath of mine will always be dedicated for the welfare of society.

Kandarp Kumar Soni

Board of Trustee

Atmaram.K Soni's Photo
Atmaram.K Soni
Kandarp.A Soni's Photo
Kandarp.A Soni
Ravi.A Soni's Photo
Ravi.A Soni
Vishal Kumar 's Photo
Vishal Kumar
Vimla Devi 's Photo
Vimla Devi
Neha Kumari 's Photo
Neha Kumari

Management Team

Birbal Ji Vishnoi 's Photo
Birbal Ji Vishnoi
Regional Head
Adv. JogendraSingh Sodha 's Photo
Adv. JogendraSingh Sodha
Legal - Head
Purvik Shah 's Photo
Purvik Shah
Head - Helping Hand
Jaydeep Soni's Photo
Jaydeep Soni
Camp Cordinator
Chandar Sing Malviya 's Photo
Chandar Sing Malviya
Head - Education

Members of The Advisory Council

Er. R.I.Gadhvi's Photo
Er. R.I.Gadhvi
Senior Advisor
Jitendra Jangir's Photo
Jitendra Jangir
Prin. Ambarambhai Joshi's Photo
Prin. Ambarambhai Joshi
Advisor - Education
Sangeet Kumar's Photo
Sangeet Kumar